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[欧美] [撒旦蕩婦3+狂喜的幻象/ Visions of Ecstasy][1.35.中字]

发表于 2016-12-24 18:47:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【影片片名】:撒旦蕩婦3+狂喜的幻象 [中文字幕]
【影片譯名】:SACRED FLESH / Visions of Ecstasy (2008/1989)
【影片別名】:撒旦娼婦3. / 迷藥幻影. / 聖肉.
【影片大小】:1.35 GB
【影片格式】:AVI (D9→轉制AVI)
【視頻尺寸】:1000X560 (清晰版)
【影片演員】:Sally Tremaine, Moyna Cope, Simon Hill, Kristina Bill, Rachel Taggart, Eileen Daly, Daisy Weston, Moses Rockman, Emily Booth, Willow, Laura Plair, Leasa Carlyon, Mary Grant,Nicole Bouchet, Louise Downie, Elisha Scott, Dan Fox.
【檔案數目】:2個AVI+12個圖片群 (種子內有圖)
【語種發音】:英語發音. 簡體中文字幕.
【影片片商】:Production Co: Axel Films Ltd. 救贖電影公司出品.

被英國列禁超過20年之宗教SQ電影首度曝光。英國有史以來發行最受爭議之電影之一,唯一一部因褻瀆神明在英國成為禁·片的電影。 《狂喜的幻象》反映的是16世紀加爾默羅修會聖特蕾莎修女的故事,刻畫出一幕讓人浮想聯翩的情慾景象,由於其中隱含對上帝不尊的因素,歐洲人權法院足足討論了七年,一致達成了禁止其發行的決定。直到2008年英國廢除了褻瀆神明法案,本片方有重見天日之機。本DVD中另外攜帶了導演早期另一部情慾短片阿克塞爾,及另一部以反叛修女為主題的電影《撒旦蕩婦3》.

英國一個叫Wingrove的SQ錄影帶生產商,拍了一部名為《狂喜異象》(Visions of Ecstasy)的短片,主題是半裸修女以十字架上的基督為性幻想對象,內容包括自殘肢體、舔血、綑綁、同性戀、與受難基督接吻愛撫等影像。片商聲稱,靈感來自16世紀著名修女聖德肋撒的默想記錄,但英國電影檢查當局拒絕批准該片發行,理由是影帶內容違反了「褻瀆」(blasphemy)這條古舊刑事法律。片商不服,到歐洲人權法庭控告英國政府,指褻瀆法侵犯言論自由,人權法庭在1996年11月裁定英國勝訴,褻瀆法並無違反《歐洲人權公約》,為了保障基督徒的信仰不受侮辱,可對言論自由作適度的限制。


Starring the UK's most notorious Satanic Slut, Voluptua, whose utterly salacious sex scandal threatened to topple the BBC and even had leading politicians utter the sacred words "Satanic Sluts". Inspired by tabloid sleaze, Voluptua re做广告无耻es and lets her naughty dreams take her to every scenario you can think of, from military dress-downs to '60s-style space settings and back again.

The film was rejected for a UK certificate by the BBFC on the grounds of possible blasphemous libel. After an appeal failed the distributor took the case to the European Court of Human Rights in 1996 to consider whether the existence of a law of blasphemy was consistent with Freedom of Expression rights. The original BBFC decision was upheld and, until 2011, this remained the only film banned in the UK on the grounds of blasphemy. On January 31 2011, the BBFC lifted the ban and instead gave the film an 18 rating.

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